Monday, February 22, 2010

~A Sad day for me~

I cannot play my laptop ANYMORE!The phone rang when i was holding my laptop so I walked toward the phone.I accidently bang into a chair which make me felt on the floor with my laptop.When i on my laptop I found out that my com screen had broken.I think i must wait untill june than i can buy a new laptop~~

JIEXIAN blogged at 4:20 AM

May your light shine...
in the darkness...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

japan trip

This is my eldest bro, elder bro and me! =)

JIEXIAN blogged at 7:18 AM

italy !!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the highest mountain in italy,hahahaha it's very cold at there.

JIEXIAN blogged at 7:02 AM

May your light shine...
in the darkness...

Friday, May 8, 2009

in japan

from my left is my bigger brother , from my right is my 2nd brother haha!!!!.This picture is taken at japan ,that was the time that we are going to spa,

JIEXIAN blogged at 6:03 AM

in school!!!!

The moment i reached school, i quickened my pace back to classroom as the school bell is going to ring in a few minutes. The noises made by my class, was a sea of pupils like a heavy drone of busy bess. when i step into the classroom eveyone look at me. I tot there got something on my face so i ask one of my friend that anything on my face he told me that there was noting on my face,i ask him y all puplis look at me when i come in the classroom. He say that it bacause they tot i am teacher,so they was looking at me. after a while the teacher come in , call everyone to sit down and call us to take out our science book to revise our science for our science exam.after the bell ring, and it was recess time as the teacher released for our break time. I run down to the canteen to buy drink. after that i go to the soccer fied and play soccer with my friend. when i was about to goal, but the bell ring so i stop the ball and run to the hall to line up.after we line in the teacher bring us back to our classroom. when we was in class, our teacher sit down quietly.we all tot our teacher not happy with us so we our teacher ask our teacher, any that we got done any thing wrong.our teacher say that our classroom floor got alot of garage on it. one of my friend went to take the mop and mop the floor, one by one the pupils all come and help to mop the floor. after that it was time to go back home.our teacher released us of.i and my friend went to play sccoce. after playing ,i tell my friend that i need to go back home, because i have tivtion i walk back home.but when i get home,my tivtion teacher call me and tell me he not coming today ,because he have someing later so he ask me whether he can change to next day. I tell him call and i ask him wat time.after that i was so tried that when i was watching the tv i just dozed off unknowingly...........

JIEXIAN blogged at 1:11 AM

lol try this hahaha!!!!

go to find out the the orobability of a successful relationship between two people.

JIEXIAN blogged at 12:27 AM

May your light shine...
in the darkness...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

This is my elder brother and me. It was my 2nd trip to a famous countries, italy=)

JIEXIAN blogged at 5:53 AM

May your light shine...
in the darkness...

About Me

Lim Jie Xian
1st cry on 28 June 1998
Soccer player

Shining Bright


The Afterglow

~May 2009~
~February 2010~


Fonts (Dobkin)
Main Pic

Thanks to all the blogs i referred to (countless) for html code help :) (esp. cyn' and sixseven)

Adobe Photoshop Elements for supernatural abilities